Monday, November 18, 2013

Simple Machines 

Click on the link below to see some ideas and see other simple machines project.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Capitalization Rules

Grade 6,8, 9 and 12

Below is a link that will take you to site to review capitalization rules.

Study the capitalization rules  thoroughly so as to be able to complete your upcoming quiz successfully.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Writing Assignment: Compare and Contrast

Grade 6, 8,9, and 12

Choose any two animals to research. Compare and contrast the two animals  in your writing and explain why one would be the best pet or not.
Use descriptive language and give supporting details to make your story exciting!

Remember the following:

 Your thesis (stating the three points you will be looking at in this writing).Your Introduction should be interesting and inviting the reader to want to read further and be sure to conclude your story.

Due: November 18th, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Essay Topic

Essay Topic: 
Grade 8,9 and 12
Compare and contrast government schools and private schools 
looking at the privileges, discipline and curriculum in both schools.

Grade 6
Compare and contrast home cook meal with fast food looking at the health benefits, the tastes, as well as the costs.

first draft is due on the 16th of October.

late work will loose marks.


Attention parents,

School will be closed on the 14th and the 15th of October for  Discovery Day and Iedul Adha which is a religious Holiday for the Muslims.

Thanks for your understanding.

Bibi Boyer

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Grade 6 Math Home work

Grade 6

Math Home Work

Click on the link below to copy and solve Q2 of the math problem on the page.
 Show your working!
Have fun!!!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Math Home work: word problems

Click on the link below to retrieve your home work and complete for Monday 29 September, 2013.

Copy the problems in your exercise book or print out the worksheet.

Have fun!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grade 6 Math Word Problem Home work

Click on the link below to complete word problem home work.

Mixed Multiplication and Division Word Problems 1 (Unused Facts) Worksheet

due date: Monday 16th of September 2013

Grade 6 Home work

Grade 6 

Math Homework: word problem

Click on the link below and solve question 1 (Q1). Work independently and show your working.

due date: Friday 13th of September 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Traveling Tuesday

Hi Home-schoolers,

It is Traveling Tuesday again and this time we are traveling to Europe.

Najah: Belgium
Kejah: Austria
Jalila: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dameer: Belarus
Maimunah: Andorra
Kamal: Albania

The following information will be graded:
Location 1p.
Name of the country 1p.
Name of Prime Minister or President 1p
Name of all the neighboring countries 1p
Race 1p.
Capital City and largest city 2p.
Official Language 1p
Population 1p
currency 1p
GDP  1p
Main industry 1p.
2 Interesting facts 2p
Draw an outline of the country 1p.
Presentation 2p
 Write in one paragraph why you would or wouldn't want to visit this country. 3p

This must be done on a folder sheet collected in a folder.

due date: JANUARY 9, 2014 

Have Fun!